Spring Time!

This time of year brings with it some stunning flowers! Our field is filled with them and we’re loving the view 😍 Photography: Zoe Coss

A puppy on the property!

The latest addition to our 50 Shades of Hay family, comes in the form of a puppy! Her name is Brandy and she is a rescue, adopted on 20 January 2018. She is full of energy and a super friendly pup that will greet you with love and licks!

Hello February!

Already in the second month of 2018?! Time is flying by and before you know it, it’ll be your special day! We thought that February would be the ideal month to start our ‘Weekly Wednesday Wedding Tips’, so keep your eyes peeled!

2018 Wedding & Events Brochure Now Available

Our brand new 2018 Wedding & Events Brochure is now available! Please contact Michele to get the full brochure and more information on:  bookings@50shadesbnb.co.za We are getting excited about the upcoming Wedding season.  This new venue has just the right amount of rustic charm, while still remaining classy to host the perfect wedding.  Indoor and …

Big changes

Lots of new developments happening here at 50 Shades of Hay! Our new doors are up at the Stables and are looking fantastic especially with their trimmings!